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Eating Healthy Guidelines


Eating Healthy Guidelines

By Dr. Daniel Rocha DN LMT CPT CNS

Eating healthy compared to being on a diet are two very different things. Your focus while on a diet needs to be like a laser. Your limits will be pushed, and your willpower tested.

Today I want to give you three simple ideas to effortlessly reduce your calorie intake while helping you with your fat loss goals.


When drinking things like flavored coffee, sweet tea, or even sodas, be mindful of their calorie content. This could be the milk/cream within the coffee, so being aware of the calorie content is critical. Switch to skim or almond milk, or have your coffee black. Note: the darker the roast for coffee, the less caffeine. The darker the tea, the more caffeine. Made you think, huh?!

If you’re a Coke drinker, try Coke Zero. They have several flavor options with zero calories and are not the same as the “diet” versions. I used this trick many times during my competitive bodybuilding career. A Coke Zero over ice can be refreshing. These days I prefer drinking plain green tea with lemon.  But there are options like diet Snapple or diet flavored waters like Propel or vitamin water.

Fibrous Vegetables 

To make yourself feel fuller and, in turn, reduce calorie intake try adding more fibrous vegetables to lunch. Not only will this help with your gut health, immune health, and general well-being it will give you an easy way of being more satisfied without so many calories. As a result, you will crave less food. 

Although this trick is not fibrous vegetables, one of my go-to's is having pickles on hand or sliced cucumber with lemon pepper. These Crunchy snacks burn more calories to eat than they contain. #winning

"Healthy Snacks" 

There is a misconception that if something is healthy, you can eat it freely. Healthy or not, you need to balance calorie intake to remain in a deficit to lose weight and fat. Snacks like nuts, trail mix, or nut butter add extra fat calories, 9 kcal per gram. I suggest that if you’re famished, you have extra protein, such as hard-boiled eggs or shrimp. It's a yummy snack but very light on calories. If you're vegetarian or vegan, hummus with celery is an easy snack.

Here are some guidelines for a healthy day of eating

Make sure you have the daily:

3 liters of water daily

Greek yogurt - I like Chobani

Regular Yogurt - I like Activia yogurt

HumaPro - vegan-friendly amino acids mix, all protein, no calories

3 olives with garlic infused - great for heart health

Green veggies at lunch - broccoli, asparagus, green beans etc

Dinner 25g of complex carbs (rice, bread, potato, beans, oats)

Protein 4oz portions for women, 6oz portions for men

1/4 c nuts daily for healthy essential fatty acids

Animal Pak (multivitamin) -  In my opinion, best multivitamin for you, athlete or otherwise

Hopefully, implementing these little tricks can ignite your metabolism and motivate you to continue on this health journey.  Saying that I cordially invite you to come by SyRoc CBM Wellness and check out the club located in beautiful Downtown Albuquerque. 400 Gold Ave SW STE 130.

Have a Blessed New Year and may you achieve the impossible by becoming “I’m Possible!!!”

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